epda & Pitches, Bordeaux 2024

Peter Kohl, Managing Director of Flaechenbrand , opened the dialogue at the epda Conference in Bordeaux by sharing insightful experiences and reflections from the collaborative exchange with a group of German colleagues. The engaging discussion, moderated by Malgorzata Leniarska, Managing Partner at Dragon Rouge Warsaw, confirmed the interest of design agencies in developing ideas for better collaboration with clients under fair conditions for the benefit of all. An epda working group - now placed on a broader footing - will take the discussion to the next level.

epda & Pitches, Bordeaux 2024

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Peter Kohl, Managing Director of Flaechenbrand , opened the dialogue at the epda Conference in Bordeaux by sharing insightful experiences and reflections from the collaborative exchange with a group of German colleagues. The engaging discussion, moderated by Malgorzata Leniarska, Managing Partner at Dragon Rouge Warsaw, confirmed the interest of design agencies in developing ideas for better collaboration with clients under fair conditions for the benefit of all. An epda working group - now placed on a broader footing - will take the discussion to the next level.

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