

Apr 18


Apr 19, 2024

Bordeaux, France

Don't just survive

We want to discover together what it means to THRIVE: We want to look to the future with expectation, explore opportunities and set off on our journey.

We thank all our speakers and participants for a great exchange. So many learnings, so much inspiration from thrilling talks and engaging discussions. Last not least thanks to the incredible environment Camp Darwin and an amazing weather this get together fueled us with energy to THRIVE, not just survive.

We have invited design professionals from all over the world: Designers who run their own creative businesses or work as an integral part of brand owners, as well as entrepreneurs. They will share their insights on what they think it takes to be successful in today's brand design business! And we will discuss together what moves us all: what has changed since we last spoke about ai and what we can all do together to fight back against free pitches and increase the value of our work. - Last but not least, we are in Bordeaux to find out how the region's most important product, wine, is cultivated, branded and marketed. And, of course, to taste good wine.


9 am


9.30 am

Sabine Keinborg, CEO Shortlinks, France

Guilhem Effroy, Managing Partner, extreme, France

Verònica Fuerte, Founder & Creative Director, Hey Studio, Spain



In this ever-evolving digital landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become omnipresent, revolutionizing the way we work. Following up on our discussion at the last conference in Valencia, we would like to continue the dialogue. Alina and Hernàn will initiate the discussion sharing their thoughts about it.

Alina Rukosueva, Partner, Dochery, Portugal
Hernán Braberman
, Partner & Creative Director, Tridimage, Argentina
Malgosia Pawlik-Leniarska, Managing Partner, Dragon Rouge Warsaw (moderation)

11.25 am

Networking Break & Coffee

11.45 am

Caroline Mornäs, Head of Design, Paulig, Sweden

Wu Kuanfu , Founder & Artistic Director, Excel Design, China
Chen Bing, Partner & Business Strategy Director, Excel Design, China

Sylvia Vitale Rotta, epda President, France
James Pryor, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, touch design, UK

1.15 pm


2.45 pm

Julia Lindholm, Sales & Marketing Manager, Château de Malherbes, France
Christophe Bedouet, Director of Château de Malherbes, France



Sooner or later, almost every agency is faced with the decision of whether or not to pitch. But when is it worth pitching? What pitch conditions are fair? And do we gain anything by being more open about it? We would like to hear about your pitching experiences and discuss with our clients how to create successful, appreciative pitch conditions. Opening the dialogue, Peter Kohl will share insightful experiences and reflections from a collaborative exchange with a group of German colleagues.

Peter Kohl, CEO Flaechenbrand, Germany
Malgosia Pawlik-Leniarska, Managing Partner, Dragon Rouge Warsaw (moderation)

4.15 pm

Networking Break & Coffee

4.35 pm



Dan Anthes, Founder & Chief Food Lover, Knärzje, Germany

Max Wenzel, CCO & Managing Partner, echd, Germany
Paul Valentiner, Creative Director, echd, Germany

Sabine Keinborg, CEO Shortlinks, France

5.30 pm


6.30 pm


THURSDAY, 18 April 2024

7.30 pm: Restaurant Comptoir d'Étienne


As usual, we will start our epda event with dinner together. Welcome to the historic centre of Bordeaux, where Farid Tounsi will welcome us in his restaurant Comptoir d'Étienne. Look forward to an evening among friends. - The restaurant is within walking distance from the two suggested hotels.

3-course menu: 65 €

FRIDAY, 19 April 2024

9.30 am – 5.30 pm: Camp Darwin


5.30 am – 6.30 pm: Camp Darwin


8.30 pm: Restaurant Le Clémenceau


After a stroll through Vieux Bordeaux or relaxing back in the hotel, we will find ourselves together again in a classic French restaurant to digest what we have heard and discussed during the day. - The restaurant is within walking distance from the two suggested hotels.

3-course menu: 65 €

SATURDAY, 20 April 2024

How can we visit Bordeaux without having been to the vineyards?

During our conference on Friday, we will meet Julia Lindholm, Sales & Marketing Manager, as well as Christophe Bedouet, Director of Château Malherbes. We are very much looking forward to their presentation on the history of the winery and the latest developments in the marketing and branding of their products.

Here are two alternative suggestions for a great Saturday programme - depending on how much time you have to join us ..

Saturday, 9 am - 12 pm

Discovery tour in the vineyards of Malherbes:

Meet the Château Malherbes team in their vineyards and learn more about the secrets of winegrowing. Taste two of their cuvée wines in the beautiful new tasting building on the grounds.

34 €: including bus journey and wine tasting

Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm

Discovery tour in the vineyards of Malherbes and journey to UNESCO World Heritage Site St. Émilion :

Continue your journey after visiting the vineyards of Malherbes and immerse yourself in the tradition of winemaking and viticulture in the Bordeaux countryside: visit a château in Saint-Emilion, enjoy a delicious regional lunch and stroll through the picturesque village of St. Émilion.

116 €: including bus journey and wine tasting in Malherbes, visit to a château in St. Émilion and lunch

Speakers information

Sabine Keinborg

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CEO, Shortlinks, France
Sabine started her professional career when she was eight years old, designing on a piece of cardboard, her first Lemonade concept. "The freshest thing in town" turned into a hit on the block, and years later led her to advertising and marketing services agencies in Paris (BBDO, BSB) - working mainly for yummy food brands. She then co-founded two independent creative strategy agencies (Conquista, Expertease), before joining Shortlinks/ Team Créatif Group in 2015 where she continues to develop design and narrative platforms for the 360° touch points. Still a free-spirited child of the hippie 70's American culture, she cultivates freedom in creation, open-mindedness in relations, beauty and truth in communication. “(Re)Humanize” brands is her motto, sustainability is her dream - for agencies and brands - who dare, who care, and who do it fair. A vision which infuses her current role as head of CSR, gaining B-corp certification for Team Créatif Group France in 2021.

Guilhem Effroy

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Managing Partner, extreme, France
Graduated from Neoma (Reims) in 2000, Guilhem spent 10 years in marketing before dedicating himself to brand design. He worked in London at Bic on writing instruments. A lovely category that he left for a more congenial universe, spirits at Pernod Ricard, where creating value is a religion. HIs favorite brand: Havana Club, for its culture, spirit, vibe, products, and cocktails. Passionate about brands, he joined extreme in 2010, to be able to support as much possible !

Verònica Fuerte

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Founder & Creative Director, hey Studio, Spain
Hey studio is known for its bold and vibrant colour combinations, elegant geometric simplicity and a conceptual approach that redefines the design landscape. Verònica's commitment to infusing each project with a strong concept reflects her belief that colour is "a universal language that everyone understands".⁣ ⁣ Throughout her career, Verònica has come to appreciate how few women in the design industry make it to senior positions such as creative director and company founder. While she is proud to be one of the few, she recognises that change still needs to happen. Her inspiring and successful career as a studio founder illustrates how belief in yourself and your individual creative approach, resilience and determination can lead to great things.

Alina Rukosueva

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Creative Director & Senior Brand Strategist, Dochery, Portugal
Alina is Partner and Creative Director of Dochery. Since 2009, Dochery has specialized in the development of alcohol brands worldwide. In her professional career, Alina combines a creative and scientific approach, focusing on finding meaning and historical context in design of spirits and wine. For many years, she has been engaged in scientific research on the history of winemaking and label design. Years of deep immersion in historical and cultural context of alcohol production shaped the agency’s expertise, helping embark on one it’s missions to support and preserve traditions in classical artisanal winemaking.

Hernán Braberman

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Partner & Creative Director, Tridimage, Argentina
Hernán Braberman is Partner and Executive Creative Director at Tridimage, a prominent Latin American packaging design agency. Tridimage has successfully executed structural and graphic packaging design projects spanning over 30 countries. Hernán's projects have earned recognition through prestigious awards such as Pentawards, Vertex Awards, A' Design Awards, Ameristar, POPAI, and Pack Andina. Beyond his role at Tridimage, Hernán is the host of the podcast BRANDERMAN, dedicated to exploring the intricacies of packaging design. His influence as a designer extends globally, as he shares his wealth of experience and knowledge with those who appreciate the boundless impact of design.

Caroline Mörnås

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Head of Design, Paulig, Sweden
Caroline recently joined Paulig in the newly created position as Head of Design, to set the design strategy and lead their brands Santa Maria, Paulig and Risenta to new heights. Driven by the belief that orchestrating the right conditions and building confidence is key to bring a multidisciplinary team effort to fruition, Caroline is passionate about connecting creative contributions to measurable results, be they commercial, environmental, brand strategic or purely artistic. A proud team-member of many award-winning designs with prizes from Cannes, Red Dot, IF, Pentawards and more, Caroline attributes her holistic approach to her academic background in architecture and her servant leadership style to her many years in the hospitality industry!⁣

Chen Bing

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Partner & Business Strategy Director, Excel Design, China
Chen Bing is a Partner and Business Strategy Director at EXCEL DESIGN, a Chinese brand consultancy. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, she is a senior brand design strategy expert with profound knowledge, advanced concepts, and rich experience. Throughout her career, Chen Bing has served over 100 clients in the beverage industry and actively participated in more than 80 professional forums and lectures.

Wu Kuanfu

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Founder & Artistic Director, Excel Design, China
The famous Chinese designer, winner of over 100 awards in various international design competitions, has established himself as a prominent figure in the design world. His creative vision and talent have made him one of the most sought-after designers of his generation. Particularly notable is his influence in China's alcoholic beverage industry, where he has achieved single product sales exceeding 10 billion.

Julia Lindholm

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Sales & Marketing Manager, Château de Malherbes, France
Julia is a member of the family that owns Château de Malherbes. She holds an MBA in Global Hospitality Management and brings market knowledge and professional experience from the United States, Hong Kong, Russia, and the United Kingdom. She is dedicated to shaping the brand image and reflecting her vision of wine excellence and wine tourism. Julia is a multicultural individual with a strong appreciation for French traditions, and she takes great pride in promoting Bordeaux wine. While respecting and cherishing local customs, she believes in the region's modernized future, embracing sustainable and technologically advanced techniques in winemaking. Her approach to wine tourism is open, accessible, and forward-thinking, reflecting a commitment to education and inclusivity.

Christophe Bedouet

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Director, Château de Malherbes, France
Dedicated to the success of the project of Château de Malherbes since its inception in 2014, Christophe knows how to inspire each team member. An alumnus of Kedge Business School, he has led several wine companies in France and the United States, a country he particularly cherishes. From his American experience, besides his first daughter born in North Carolina, he brings back his entrepreneurial spirit (and ambition), which he instills in the team on a daily basis. Christophe, with his visionary mindset, seeks to apply his extensive knowledge to innovate, challenge, and invigorate the wine industry of the region, aiming to set new benchmarks and inspire beneficial change.

Peter Kohl

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Co-Founder & Managing Director, Flaechenbrand Hamburg, Germany
Flaechenbrand is committed to building and guiding big brands for the German and European supermarkets. Peter gained his experience at agencies like Landor, Leo Burnett and KW43 (Grey). He found the field of packaging design particularly fascinating as it provides „the most direct customer feedback imaginable: it either sells, or it doesn’t“. With over 15 years of experience in strategic brand building and packaging design, Peter is passionate about design that works for the masses - be it postage stamps that he creates as a designer for the German Ministry of Finances or award winning designs for brands like Warsteiner, granini or Ferrero which he works on together with his fellow CEO Kai Geweniger and their experienced team of designers and strategists.

Dan Anthes

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Founder & Chief Food Lover, Knärzje, Germany
Daniel Anthes is passionate about sustainability. So much so, that both professionally and privately, he devotes all his energy to helping the issue gain more transformational power in politics, business and society. That’s why he is also burning for the topic of the future, because we need innovative, courageous answers and real visions for our current and, above all, future challenges. He wants to help make our world a more sustainable and livable place. To this end, he always keeps his finger on the pulse of the times in order to inspire organizations, companies and people for sustainability and the future through his talks, texts and actions. His absolute favorite topic in this area: food. Because in no other industry do we see the change and its implications for the economy and society as a whole as early and impressively as here.

Max Wenzel

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CCO & Managing Partner, echd, Germany
Max leads the team of talented designers, strategists and packaging experts at echd. And he supports the implementation of real brand experiences that work successfully at all brand touchpoints. Over 20 years of experience in branding and packaging design surely help and it is their overall vision for the future that he keeps his utmost focus on.

Paul Valentiner

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Creative Director, echd, Germany
A full-blooded designer with a great passion for everything that has to do with brands. Coupled with many years of experience in the field of brand communication, Paul and his team always pursue holistic brand experiences for an effective target group approach.

We have found great places to discover Bordeaux. Here you can find all locations on google maps. Photo material is taken from the internet. Copyright remains with its creators.

Camp Darwin

87 Quai des Queyries, 33100 BORDEAUX

Our event will be taking place in a very special environment. Camp Darwin is an ecosystem dedicated to responsible economic development, ecological transition, social entrepreneurship, citizen activism and relaxation, sports and leisure. A new approach to living together! ⁣⁣The camp is located on a former military wasteland to the east of the Garonne. The project hosts businesses, a restaurant, a grocery shop and shows, with the aim of stimulating a collective and creative approach with and between its occupants to make responsible and exemplary use of the building. ⁣⁣Not only will we have an uninterrupted view of the Garonne and the quays of Bordeaux from the conference venue. Our programme also includes a guided tour to discover the venue and find out more about the concept.

Le Comptoir D'Étienne

21 rue Maucoudinat, 33000 BORDEAUX

Let yourself be charmed by old Bordeaux stone, baroque paintings and the beauty of the vaults of this traditional local restaurant located in the heart of Bordeaux's old town. Le comptoir d'Etienne is a restaurant whose concept is based on a place for sharing, a place that looks like Bordeaux and belongs to the people of Bordeaux, an atypical place to meet. The chef offers traditional, local, gourmet, tasty and homemade cuisine.

3-course menu: 65 €

Le Clémenceau

46 Pl. Gambetta, 33000 BORDEAUX

Clémenceau is an emblematic Bordeaux brasserie located in the heart of downtown Bordeaux. Recently renovated, Le Clémenceau has retained its old-world charm while integrating today's modern style.

3-course menu: 65 €

Hotel Le Konti

10 Rue Montesquieu, 33000 BORDEAUX

A splendid former mansion of the 18th century

Before becoming Le Continental and then rebirthed as Le Konti, the brand new HappyCulture Collection hotel was known asthe ‘Coq d'Or’. In 1912, this large brasserie with its ballroom topped withrooms was the meeting place for good society after the theatres. Its volume sand neo-classical facade bear witness to this golden age, in whose footsteps the decorator Oscar Lucien walks.

Single room: 118 € per night
Double cosy: 128 € per night
Twin room: 128 € per night

Breakfast: 18 € per person
City tax: 3.60 € per person/day

HOW TO BOOK: Please email to:, copy


Hotel FirstName Bordeaux

14, Rue Claude Bonnier, 33000 BORDEAUX

FirstName Bordeaux features iconic architecture in the heart of Bordeaux on the outside as well as the feel good FirstName design aesthetic on the inside. Like the philosophy of hostels in the past, FirstName Bordeaux welcomes guests at any hour. "We are here to make dinner. Open the best bottles. Serve an unprecedented list of cocktails. And turn up the volume on the FirstName playlist. Spend the night in one of the 147 rooms and suites. Seven categories to choose from. Cocoon, Cadette, Canopy, Carat, Cockpit, Collector and First Suite. Names suggesting cocooning and softness. All eco-friendly. And throughout: linen and furnishings made from natural materials, connections to make life easier, luxury bedding made in France, and kitchenettes to share on each floor."

Room: 160 €
Breakfast: 19 € per person
City tax: 3.60 € per person/day

HOW TO BOOK: Use this LINK to book online yourself.


Château de Malherbes

2 chemin de Malherbes, 33360 LATRESNE

Château de Malherbes is not just a vineyard; it is a testament to Bordeaux's rich history and terroir. The roots of the estate trace back to the 14th century, a heritage that influences their winemaking philosophy.

Discovery Tour in the vineyards of Malherbes: 34 €

Discovery Tour in the vineyards of Malherbes & journey to St. Émilion: 116 €

St. Emilion

In 1999, for the first time ever, a vineyard landscape was acknowledged as a "cultural landscape" worthy of listingas a World Heritage Site. According to UNESCO, “the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion is an outstanding example of a historic vineyard landscape that has survived intact and in activity to the present day."

Discovery Tour in the vineyards of Malherbes & journey to St. Émilion: 116 €

Registering for an epda event is easy!

If you click on "Register here", you will be led to our online booking service. You can register for all activities in one go: Conference, dinners and leisure activity.

Once you have submitted your booking form, we receive an email to validate your registration. After approval, your registration will be processed, the amount will be debited to you credit card and you will receive your conference ticket right away. You can edit, transfer or cancel your booking until 7 days prior to the event.

Here are the ticket rates:


EARLY-BIRD 1 March to 1 April 2024

1st representative of a member agency: 390 €

2nd representative of a member agency: 195 €

non-member: 585 €

REGULAR 2 April to 18 April 2024

1st representative of a member agency: 450 €

2nd representative of a member agency: 225 €

non-member: 675€





Visit Vineyards Malherbes, 20 April 2024, 9 am to 11.30 am: 34€

Visit Vineyards Malherbes & St. Emilion, 20 April 2024, 9 am to 6 pm: 116 €

Please note our hotel suggestions when clicking on LOCATIONS. You will find all information to make your reservation online.

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